• e-Twinning

        • The main objective of taking part in the e-Twinning project is cooperation with schools abroad which gives our students a great opportunity to practise and improve their communication skills in foreign languages they study.

          • Culture

          • This project is all about encouraging students to seek out and enjoy culture and arts. We organise visits to theatres, museums or concerts, to name only a few examples of cultural events we strive to enable our students to experience. We also organize some events as a school. To make it as available as possible for all students, we make use of “culture coupons” issued by Ministry of Culture to cover some of the expenses. 

          • Project Work and Presentation Skills

          • This project is compulsory for 3rd year students. Its main objective is to teach students how to research a chosen topic, write a thesis and then defend it in front of a committee and schoolmates. The best theses are chosen to take part in a national competition or used for educational purposes at school.  

          • Spiritual Formation

          • The aim of this project is to give students space, time and means to reflect on their Christian values and faith. The topic is different for students in each class – “Who Am I?”, “My Vocation”, “My Relationships” and “My Values”, listed respectively. 

          • Lending a Helping Hand

          • Supporting Catholic Missions

            Missions Day” is an annually organized event at our school. A fair, where pupils sell different products, is open not only to students but also to public. Performances are rehearsed by students. The money collected is donated to a chosen mission to help back its projects.    

            Blood Donation
            Eligible students and teachers donate blood at local transfusion station.

            Raising Money for Charity
            Students help raise money for different charities such as “Úsmev ako dar”, “Biela pastelka” or “Unicef” working as volunteers during annually organized collections. 

          • Building Bridges

          • As a part of the cooperation with Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, our students are given the opportunity to attend interesting lectures given by its alumni via videoconferencing.

    • Prihlásenie

    • Kontakty

      • Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Mikuláša v Starej Ľubovni
      • Sekretariát: +421 522388411
      • Štúrova 3
        064 01 Stará Ľubovňa
      • 37945785
      • Mgr. Pavol Chmeliar
      • Riaditeľ: +421 522388412
      • Zástupkyňa: +421 522388406
      • Zborovňa: +421 522388413
      • Ekonomické: +421 522388400
      • Jedáleň: +421 522388402
  • Fotogaléria

      zatiaľ žiadne údaje
    • Zvonenie

          • Sobota 27. 7. 2024
    • Počet návštev: 1551